Minding Womb Business (the wrong Way)

During several months of radio silence, a promising spring and an intense, challenging but also fruitful few months have turned into the long days of summer. Back in the days, summer used to be slow-news times, but those seem to lie in a distant past as several news bombs have hit and made considerable impact... Continue Reading →

The latest News Turd; War in Ukraine

The news cycle, or whirl or whatever messed-up shape it has, is like a bad soap opera. It consists of uninspiring tales with shabby story structures told by mediocre actors. People got tired of the c-thing story that had been dominating the news mill for two years, so the writers had to come up with... Continue Reading →

Epiphany Times

The festive season came and went and with the start of another calendar year we are creeping further along an imaginary timeline. Many did the best they could to keep things merry despite circumstances, or just simply ignored the c-shit storm raging outside. Now the 'joyous' times are over, it is comforting for some that... Continue Reading →

(Don’t) Trust me, I am the State

As we are nearing the winter solstice, Christmas is threatened to be cancelled for a second year in a row. Many saw this coming, but after we emerged from a lockdown winter sleep, some thought the c-shit storm was over. As summer passed and autumn came, another villain was preparing itself in the wings to... Continue Reading →

Reinvention in the Dark

Down by the river in Cologne It's been a while since the Dark Fairy made some noise in cyber space. During her absence a spring full of promise and a disappointing summer came and went.  As the days are shortening and it has been winter-coat weather for several weeks, the c-thing world tour is still on... Continue Reading →

Backstage Antics at the Royal Roadshow

After a full year of the c-thing dominating the news cycle, it was high time for the masses to focus on something else. And how to distract the people better than with some royal razzle-dazzle. Megan Markle and her husband Harry, the second grandson of the queen of England went on Oprah, allowing the media... Continue Reading →

Toppling Down the House

As I continue to be stuck in lockdown, the western world has been hit by a wave of iconoclasm while coronavirus measures are bringing the arts sector in several European countries to its knees. I had hoped to have returned to European soil by now, but although airlines, including Lufthansa, receive billions of tax-payers' money... Continue Reading →

On Our Way to the Mountain Top

After months of covid-19 bollocks reporting, there seemed to be a need to add something to the fearmongering/ I-am-outraged media mix. The death of a black man by a white police officer appeared to be the perfect catalyst to unleash protests, riots and fierce debates on racism, violence and police brutality. Police violence against people... Continue Reading →

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