Standing up for the Writer’s Dream

At the end of last year I decided to postpone my settling plans to attend a three-month writers' programme in Koh Samui, Thailand. It was another excuse to continue the travelling lifestyle and an attempt to further develop my writer's life. After a few weeks in the stinking hot writers' residency, I developed very strong... Continue Reading →

From LaLa Land to a New System

Tonight and what will be tomorrow morning for people in my part of the world, the 88th Academy Awards ceremony will take place. It’s a big circus for the film industry and related sectors. This year there has been quite some controversy because no actor of colour was nominated and therefor some actors of colour... Continue Reading →

Like Bowie Said: “Let’s Dance”

Although I was quite in a festive mood in December, the Dark Fairy entrance into the year 2016 was with little ado and even less hype while I refused to make any New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions can be made every day of the year, all year round, expect early January, when some people, instead of... Continue Reading →

Bread and Games for the Sheeple

In a day´s time one of what they call the Greatest Shows on Earth will kick off of in the Land of Samba. I’m referring to the World Cup football in Brazil. I’m not following any league, but when it comes to major tournaments I’m sure in for some footie. Major sporting events like the... Continue Reading →

Adventure and the Womb

I am by no means considered an elderly person, but although I am a five-year-old at heart I am no spring chicken either. As I am settling in a dwelling of my own, enjoying sea view as both the sea as well as my workplace are literally a stone throw away, I feel truly blessed... Continue Reading →

Bollocks to May

In a month in which the weather has massively disappointed yet again, conservatism and religious extremism have reared their ugly heads. The latter in the form of attacks by extremist zealots in both London and Paris on individuals serving in the army. The soldier attacked in London in broad daylight for everyone to see, died... Continue Reading →

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