The Island in One’s Mind

When I left London Town to settle on the Rock I moved from one island to another. From one that used to rule half the world to another much smaller one that used to be ruled by half the world. The weather and the quality of life might be a lot better on that smaller... Continue Reading →

Adventure and the Womb

I am by no means considered an elderly person, but although I am a five-year-old at heart I am no spring chicken either. As I am settling in a dwelling of my own, enjoying sea view as both the sea as well as my workplace are literally a stone throw away, I feel truly blessed... Continue Reading →

Nina Knows Right

How do Dark Fairy adventures come into this world. Out of a need for change and excitement, as it creates possibilities for something different. Something potentially better. After a decade of London life, an experience at the African Med, entering the path of graduate life an itch was building up. I might carry the City... Continue Reading →

On And On

It seems autumn has arrived. The romantic idea of autumn conjures ideas of colourful trees, falling leaves, strolls in woods, fields and parks, warming autumn sunshine and the lead up to winter and what Americans call the 'holiday season'. I have to say I seldom experienced an autumn like this in the UK or Lowlands... Continue Reading →

Orange Fever; Only in My World

    For weeks – if not months- there has been a lot of excitement about the World Cup in South Africa. On foreign television (news) channels and among foreigners that is. Although it is a big deal that the World Cup is held on African soil, Egypt is not competing and seems therefore not... Continue Reading →

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