What Dark Fairy Thought Next

Health consciousness, self-help info, self-development and long term planning don't seem to be part of Egyptian culture. Egypt after all is a Third World country and people in general are too busy fulfilling their basic needs. But even if you do have money you eat what you can, any form of exercise is associated with... Continue Reading →

West Side Story

 Five months down the line and it feels like I have been here for an eternity. Three to four months up the line and I'm back in the Big Smoke or Lowlands country or both. I mean, when I leave Alex I will be homeless and I was thinking to go to the country of... Continue Reading →

Nights over Egypt

Blessings. 2010 is our year On the last day of the year I fled the relative boredom of Alex and went to Cairo to spend New Year's Eve with my friend Moina and her friends. Now, I like Cairo. I am very fond of Cairo. This mad, dusty, dirty, exciting, way- too- big-a-town was my first... Continue Reading →

Yule is what you make of it

People who know me wouldn't say that I am a miserable miser who's got no friends. They would know that I'm not a big fan of Christmas, though. I absolutely loved it as kid. When I was little it wasn't that popular in Lowlands Country to celebrate Christmas the way people celebrate it know. The feast of... Continue Reading →

Showing the Jones we are Good Girls

Anna and I hosted a party at our mansion two days ago. We've got the ultimate space for a good house party, but we are expected to be 'good' girls and have no male visitors, no loud music and no booze in the house. We thought we could kind of fool the people in our building by starting early at 5, but most... Continue Reading →

London Calling

My dear friend Adam from London is paying us a visit and will be staying for a week after which he will be travelling to Beijing to visit another friend who is doing the-year-abroad experience. The only difference is that she loves Beijing and that she doesn’t want to leave. I am very grateful for the... Continue Reading →

Sister is doing it for herself?

There are probably just as many pre-assumptions made on Arab women in the West as there are prejudices on Western women in the Arab world. Arabs very much like to change western prejudice on Arab women.  I studied several text on this matter at uni in London and Egyptians are very keen to point out... Continue Reading →

the Fight for Food

I am a bit of a foodist and get rather moody when my cupboards and fridge are empty and I only have boring stuff to eat, so it was high time that Anna and I made a trip to Carrefour. Those of you who are used to holidaying in France will know that Carrefour is... Continue Reading →

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