Bollocks to May

imagesIn a month in which the weather has massively disappointed yet again, conservatism and religious extremism have reared their ugly heads. The latter in the form of attacks by extremist zealots in both London and Paris on individuals serving in the army. The soldier attacked in London in broad daylight for everyone to see, died on the scene. The attacker gave his reasons for his actions to a camera phone and the clip went viral. Much stranger than fiction. Returning to Gaul where, legend has it, one small village remained free under the Roman occupation due to some brave lads with funky moustaches and a magic drug making them invincible, it seems that modern Gaul remains rather stuck in Roman times. Not only does the country, where 10 to 20 per cent of the people vote for the extreme right, suffer from structural racist tendencies, it’s seems rather homophobic as well. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of people hit the streets to voice their opposition against the bill that recently has made gay marriage legal. This might just be me, but I find opposing gay marriage a bit like opposing inter racial or inter religious marriages; It’s terribly 1950s and makes you look like an utter twat who’s horribly stuck in times.

Staying with ugly conservatism, in the UK there is this tribe of Eurosceptics who retardedly believe the UK would be better off outside the European Union and are bullying the Prime Minister to have a referendum on EU membership before the general elections in 2015. The Prime Minister is playing delaying tactics by aiming to renegotiate the country’s relationship with the Union and based on the outcome of that hold a referendum somewhere in 2017. The exact points to be renegotiated remain rather vague, but that seems besides the point for the Eurosceptics. They want a referendum and they want it now. Or within the next two years at least. I don’t trust the voice of the people. As a mass we can do wonderful things like overthrow despotic leaders. Or we can be rather stupid by voting those same despots  into power or voting ourselves out of an economic and political union of which the benefits by far outway the costs. Since I have no sound alternative for democracy I do believe the people’s voice should be heard. And should the people decide on a divorce I might not stay to apply for a British passport and witness the demise of these Isles, especially if the weather remains as abysmal as it is . But this all might be hollow Dark Fairy toughness I’m displaying here.

Crap weather, twisted news diets and ugly conservatism make me wonder where the magic has gone. Where is the good, the glorious and the fabulous? O yeah, it lies in the little things, but in these weird times I have a rather desperate need for the magic, the good and the fabulous to slap me in the face, like Tango did back in the days in their commercial before it got banned

But that probably went  out of fashion too. So in this economic and climatological waste land I am looking for those pots of gold. I know they’re out there. So I keep on searching.

On the other hand…. bollocks randomness.


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