Backstage Antics at the Royal Roadshow

After a full year of the c-thing dominating the news cycle, it was high time for the masses to focus on something else. And how to distract the people better than with some royal razzle-dazzle. Megan Markle and her husband Harry, the second grandson of the queen of England went on Oprah, allowing the media Queen to facilitate the dropping of some royal bombshells. This interview was broadcast last Monday night yankee-time and ruffled quite some feathers on both sides of the Pond.

C-thing Relief and Pedo Distraction

Now, with exception of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates who can’t get enough of the c-shit show, everyone on the planet is more than fed up with current conditions. So, Queen Oprah providing a stage for some chased-away British royals could be considered a very welcome diversion. It was entertainment at its best. Real-life drama with royalty as the protagonists placed in beautiful settings. In essence, the interview was a case of a millionaire couple with royal titles complaining to a self-made billionaire media Queen how mean and unsupportive the trillionaire in-laws have been; boo-hoo-so-sad! This display of celebrity fairy dust might not only have distracted us from the c-show, if only briefly. It also served to make us forget about that other royal ‘PR challenge’. Remember the one? The son of the British monarch, who was buddy-buddy with a well-known paedophile and child trafficker, and who has made extensive use of this pedo’s ‘services’? This royal gave a shambolic interview on national TV, after which he was released of his royal ‘duties’ and that was that. No media scrutiny, no expulsion from the royal family, whether forced or voluntary, or losing his taxpayer-funded royal allowance. Nothing of that. The media saved all their vitriol for a brown woman from the USA. As wife of prince Harry, Ms Markle had a rather tough time with the UK press that continues to run a rather nasty campaign against her. The members of the UK press mob say their criticism has nothing to do with racism or sexism. Ms Markle’s only ‘crime’ was that she believed she could claim her place in the British royal family as a brown woman, which evidently is far worse than befriending paedophiles and having sex with under-aged humans.

A Woman escapes

The media scrutiny got so bad, that Meghan and Harry decided to leave the UK and move to North America to step back from their ‘royal duties’ and make their own money, like normal people. Now, 14 months after they left, the couple felt it was time to tell their side of the story. They were probably in need of some money too, as royal titles without a state-funded royal allowance and other perks don’t let you maintain a millionaire lifestyle for very long. In the two-hour long edited interview the couple talked of a hostile press and an unsupportive environment within the royal family. Understandably, this had a severe impact on Ms Markle’s mental health. The interview evoked various responses on both sides of the Atlantic, ranging from expressions of great sympathy to accusations of narcissism and embarrassing the queen of England. And of course, there are plenty of people who just don’t care. Millions of women across the world have trouble with their in-laws to the extent that it affects their mental health, and those women don’t get their moment with Oprah. The significant difference is, however, that Ms Markle’s in-laws are the royal family of England. The head of this dinosaur institution is the head of state of not only the UK, but of various other countries across the world, and she is one of the riches women on the planet.

Burying Fossils

Whatever your opinion about Meghan or the British royal family, this interview has been the talk of the week and has once again raised questions about the validity of the monarchy. I mainly wonder why some seem so surprised to hear that the British royals might not be such nice and inclusive people. And that others feel the need to staunchly defend an old-fashioned institution that is devoid of any humanism or sense of meritocracy. A monarchy in its essence is based on inequality and supremacy. One doesn’t become a monarch based on merit, but solely by birth and one is considered superior based on that birth ‘right’ alone. The UK monarch once claimed a quarter of the earth’s landmass as their realm, and they still consider large parts to be theirs by means of the Commonwealth. The vast majority of the Commonwealth’s population are people of colour, so the white monarch rules over their predominately black and brown ‘subjects’. Throughout the centuries, the UK with a white monarch as the head of state, has been responsible for several of the most atrocious human rights violations involving black and brown people. Many of these racist atrocities have still not been properly and official acknowledged. This sense of supremacy is not at all limited to the British monarchy. All royal families are related. Most of them attempt to sell their relevance to the public by claiming to be of symbolic value only, which most ‘subjects’ buy hook, line and sinker. All monarchies are based on archaic and supremacist principles. Just because the exercise of royal powers is not visible, doesn’t mean it’s not there. It would be very naive to assume that a family owning trillions with direct access to political power, that is completely hidden from the general public, wouldn’t use that power, because they are supposed to be ornamental only.

Poor physical, mental or spiritual health sucks, no matter your celebrity status or the size of your bank account. The question is not whether Ms Markle ‘deserves’ our sympathy or not. The question is why she and others are so shocked and surprised about the alleged inner workings of the Firm called the British royal family. Or that many don’t believe her, because the royal family is supposedly infallable. Whether you sympathise with Meghan and Harry or not, can we all just get with the times and abolish this wealth-hoarding, benefit-cheating, inbreeding, supremacist institution? We already have enough trouble with the people we seemingly do elect into power.

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