Tripoli Burning

And the Arab revolt continues. With all gone quiet on the Egyptian and Tunisian front- head of states have resigned but the very same people keep ruling the country- the focus shifted to the oil-rich sand box of Libya. While the country has turned into utter chaos, in which the colonel turns against his own... Continue Reading →

Eyes On The Price MaSree Style

  After thirty years the people didn't believe in it any more. Not sure what it was they used to believe in. Probably what a great nation they once were in a long forgone past. How they had influenced the arts, culture and academia in the region. Long before 1967 and -even more devastating- 1973.... Continue Reading →

Revolt Like an Egyptian

For the last 9 days I have been glued to my computer screen -as we don't have a telly- for the latest updates on MaSr. The unthinkable has happened and events are moving very fast. The political lethargy of the last 30 years has made room for a proper people's lead revolution. Before yesterday I... Continue Reading →

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